At midday on Friday 26 August 2016, Cape Town High School held a specal Valedictory Assembly to bid farewell to Mr Gunter Hessler, whose teaching career with the school has spanned more than thirty-nine years. The school, staff and pupils, as well as old friends and former colleagues, met in the Main Hall to await his arrival. Mrs Ras was the coordinator of ceremonies.
Mr Hessler's arrival was receded by a praise singer and team of dancing students, and he was escorted to his place of honour up on the stage.
Mr Cloete, CTHS Principal, welcomed Mr Hessler, guests, staff and learners to the event. The School Choir then sang a song of welcome and praise in Mr Hessler's honour. He was then feted by two more praise singers in traditional attire, and swathed in a handsome blanket and traditional Sotho hat. Two young learners then sang a beautiful song for him.
Mr Mandla Sibanda the delivered a moving farewell speech to Mr Hessler. This was followed by a rousing gumboot dance by a team of four young male learners, and a touching speech of remembrance by a young female learner representing the GET and FET phases. The School Choir then sang another song for Mr Hessler.
There then followed a speech by union representative, Mr H Abrahams, in celebration of Mr Hessler's activities as part of his teaching union. This was followed by another song by the School Choir, where they came up and danced across the stage and back to their seats again.
Finally it was time Mr Mr Hessler to stand and deliver his own farewell speech from the podium, which he did most eloquently. This was responded to by Ms Liesel van Egeren who delivered a vote of thanks.
The Ceremony ended with the school standing and Mr Hessler being escorted by colleagues out of the School Hall to the applause of all.
Outside, a group photograph was taken in the courtyard, and staff and colleagues were treated to a delicious luncheon thereafter.
We wish Mr Hessler all of the best for his well-earned retirement, and hope he maintains contact with the school for which he has contributed the larger part of his teaching career. We will certainly miss him!
Mr Hessler and his son before the ceremony begins |
The praise singer and dancers precede Mr Hessler's arrival in the Hall |
Mr Hessler is escorted in |
Mr Cloete welcomes all to the event |
The School Choir sings |
Mr Hessler is wrapped in a Sotho blanket and give a traditional Sotho hat to wear |
Layla and Iyonla provide a beautiful musical interlude |
Mr Sibanda delivers a farewell speech for Mr Hessler |
The gumboot dancers in action |
Another moving farewell speech by a young learner representing the GET and FET phases |
Mr H Abrahams, union representative delivers his speech |
The School Choir in action on the stage |
Mr Hessler's farewell speech |
Ms van Egeren responds to Mr Hessler's speech with a vote of thanks |
Outside in the courtyard a group photo is taken |
The delicious farewell banquet afterwards |