Monday 1 January 2001

CTHS School Management Team (SMT)

Information about Cape Town High School's School Management Team (SMT) will be posted here presently.

CTHS - Representative Council of Learners

Convenor: Mrs Shariefa Daliath-Eland


The Representative Council of Learners, or RCL, is an annually elected body of learners throughout the Grades at Cape Town High School. Its function is to provide better communication between the school's learners,  Management and Staff.

RCL Members: 2014:


Below: The Representative Council of Learners team of 2013, with Mrs Daliath-Eland:

CTHS - School Governing Body

The School Governing Body (SGB) is elected on an annual basis. It's function, along with the Principal, is to make the important decisions regarding the management and operation of Cape Town High School.

The current SGB is comprised of the following members:

