Saturday, 1 January 2005

CTHS - Awards

Outstanding performance at Cape Town High School in the fields of Academic Subjects, Sport and Services to the School in various categories is recognised by a number of awards and certificates. These are presented to the deserving learners at a prize-giving ceremony held at the end of each year.

Broadly speaking, there are three categories of award:
  • Service Awards
  • Academic Awards
  • Sporting Awards

Service Awards

These are usually certificates, awarded to individual learners and as groups, for services rendered to the CTHS community in one or more areas, such as the Guardians, the School Choir, The Sound and Lightng team, the Media team, the Matric Ball and associated fundraising committees, etc.

Academic Awards

These are certificates and (in exceptional cases) prestigious award trophies awarded to individual learners who have excelled academically, via the following categories:
  • Diligence & Progress Certificates
  • Subject Certificates
    Bronze Certificates
    Silver Certificates
    Gold Certificates

Prestigious Awards

The Rachelé Ferreira Certificate
for outstanding Afrikaans results

The Afrikaans Floating Trophy
for excellence in Afrikaans

The Charlene Petersen Trophy
for the best Natural Science learner in the GET Phase

The Saleigh van der Schyff Trophy
for the best Tourism practical work

The Shirley Futuran Floating Trophy
for excellence in English writing

The Michael Cranstoun-Day Trophy and Certificate
for the learner who puts in more than 100 % effort into every task he/she undertakes 

The Tony and Gwen Thomas Trophy
for public speaking

The Ian Koenigfest Trophy and Certificate
for outstanding involvement in school life